
Top 6 Parenting Tips Post COVID

After such a long period of upheaval from the COVID-19 pandemic, with schools closed and child care arrangements disrupted, it’s only natural that your day-to-day routine has become a little less regular. Here are some of the top parenting tips which might help you get things back on track.

As things start to get back to some sort of normalcy, we take a look at the little things you can do to get your kids back into a good routine post-COVID.

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Early nights

During the pandemic, bedtimes have probably crept back and got a little less routine. A key part of getting back to normal life is going to be keeping a regular sleep schedule. Bring bedtime forward every couple of days, and try to follow a consistent bedtime routine.

Switch off electronics well before and get into the habit of reading a bedtime story to help your kids sleep better. Start getting your kids up at the same, earlier time each morning. For young kids that nap during the day, try to make this the same time every day throughout the week.  

Set out a weekly schedule

As things start to settle down again it’s going to be easier to predict what’s going to be happening. Plan out each week at the start so that you and your kids can see what’s coming up. Let them know what they’ve got to look forward to but also the important things like school (even if it’s remote still) and any tasks or chores they need to do.  

Stick to your daily routine

Things are still a bit all over the place, especially if your kids aren’t back in school yet, but try not to let things get in the way of your daily routine. It’s still worthwhile setting up a daily routine Monday to Friday. 

Try to do the same activities at the same time each day — eating breakfast, lunch, homeschooling lessons, and playtime. It’ll make it a lot easier when they do go back to the classroom, and it gives them some structure to get used to the way things are. 

Schedule in playtime

Even as you start to get back into a good routine, play is still a crucial part of a child’s development. So it’s important that you incorporate playtime into your daily schedule. It’s not just important for kids to have fun, but it also teaches them a lot of valuable lessons and social skills. 

Set aside time each day for child-led play; subscription boxes for kids like the ones from are specifically designed for learning through play. Each month a box is delivered that’s packed with everything kids need for an engaging make-and-play activity that will teach them about a different theme. 

Set up playdates

During the pandemic play dates and other interactions with kids have had to be stopped. But part of getting your children back into a good routine is arranging opportunities for them to meet up with other kids in a safe environment. 

Make plans with one or two other families and meet up at a local park or play area so that your kids can get used to socializing and being around others. It might not seem like it’s having a big impact but spending time with other children is key to kids’ development and it’ll help them prepare for going back to school.

Have conversations with your kids

There’s still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, but it’s important that kids feel like they can talk about how they’re feeling. Be open about why it’s important to get back into a more normal routine, even if they aren’t going back into school or their usual childcare just yet. And let them know that they can ask questions and discuss anything they’re worried about. 

You might not have all the answers but it’s good to have conversations and help your kids understand the small things they can do to stay safe as things start getting back to normal. 

Getting your kids back into a good routine won’t happen immediately. By simply following the above-mentioned parenting tips, planning out your week, and sticking to a daily routine you’ll be able to give your kids a bit of stability that will help them adjust post-COVID.