Category Archives: Teachers

writing short stories

18 Topic Ideas for Writing Short Stories for Students

A short story is a narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. In academic terms, something has to happen within the story arc. If something doesn’t happen, then you are creating more of an epic poem than a short story. In addition, though there is

how to write a children's book

How To Write A Children’s Book – Simple Steps To Success!

Wondering how to write a children’s book? Every writer wants to finish a masterpiece. Some of you are even targeting the children’s books market. For all types of writing, there are services and tips to aid you. One such example is  where you’re going

math homework

How Can I Get Math Homework Help Online?

Studying in the 21st century has become much easier because on the Internet you can easily find the necessary information about the subject like material on the topic, examples of implementation, tips, and formulas. More importantly, teachers and professors create YouTube channels where they share

Difference between short story and narrative essay

In day-to-day lives, students have to deal with different kinds of writing tasks. Some of them are completely different from each other. It’s easy to tell the difference between a research paper and a descriptive essay. However, the difference between short story and narrative essay

how to discipline a toddler

Best Tips For Disciplining A Toddler

Are you wondering how to discipline a toddler? Disciplining a toddler or any child for that matter is actually hard. It could be even harder for you if you are a first-time parent. However, it is not as tough as it seems. Kids being young