Tag Archives: moral stories in english

story with morals

Beaver And The Wolf – A Story With Morals

This is an amazing bedtime story with morals for kids online. Once upon a time, there was a beaver living in the forest named Furry. He had lots of friends and liked to play outside. One day a big wolf came and started saying, “This is

good moral stories for kids

Crow And Deer Story

This is one of the good moral stories for kids to read. There lived a crow and a deer who were friends right from their young age. There lived a fox too which longed to eat the plumpy and healthy deer. “Yummy it will be

short stories with moral values for students

The Dropped Wallet

This is one of the best short stories with moral values for students. Two brothers, Bi and Bo were passing by a toy shop. Bi was elder to Bo. Bo said, “I want that white stuffed sheep so much.” To this, Bi said, “I like

bedtime moral stories for kids

The King And His Third Minister

This is one of the great bedtime moral stories for kids. Long, long time ago, there lived a clever King. The King wanted to appoint a new minister for his Kingdom and so he decided to test the wisdom of his three ministers. He wanted

very simple short moral stories

Unnecessary Doubts

This is one of the very simple short moral stories for kids. Once upon a time, there lived two friends. One was a boy and the other was a girl. They used to play together. Every day they would play together. Now, the girl had

small moral stories

The Arab And The Camel

This is one of the best small moral stories for kids to read. One cold night in a desert, an Arab was sleeping in his tent. He had tied his camel outside. But as the night grew colder, the Arab could hear his camel sneezing outside.

the little rose plant

The Little Rose Plant

Once upon a time, the little rose plant lived in a dark damp room. This room was secluded from everything else in the world. She was quite arrogant with its beauty. She believed she needed no-one and she could be beautiful all by herself. Also,

moral stories for kids in english

The Paper Kite

This is one of the awesome moral stories for kids in English. One warm sunny day, a group of little children decides to fly kites. So, they get to making their paper kites. The enthusiastic little children use many kinds of colorful papers. Of all

moral short stories

The Fox and the Pig

This is one of the awesome moral short stories for children. Once upon a time, in a jungle, a fox came to a river. The fox had to get to the other side of the river. “I think I’ll simply have to swim across,” the fox

short stories with moral values

The Clever Thief

This is one of the best short stories with moral values for children. One day, in a village a thief was passing by. “I should think of something quick,” the thief thinks, as he had used up all of his stolen money already. So, as he

english moral stories

Beauty Is In Deeds

This is one of the amazing English moral stories. Once, there was a magnificent antelope who had majestic mani fangled antlers. He was robust in health and his coat gleamed like a metal. He was duly proud of his beauty. Whenever he went to the

moral stories in english

The Lion Who Sprang To Life

This is one of the best short moral stories in English. A long time ago, four friends lived in a small town. Three of them were very clever but they lacked common sense. The fourth friend. however, was not as clever like the other three

short stories for kids with morals

A Hole In The Fence

This is one of the awesome short stories for kids with morals. In a small village, lived a boy and his parents. He was an only child. The parents of the boy were very troubled with their child. Whenever the little boy got angry or

short stories for kids with morals

The Deer Who Played Truant

This is one 0f the best short stories for kids with morals. One day, a Doe brought her son to wise old deer who used to teach all the deer. She wanted her son to be saved. So, she wanted him to attend the school.

short stories for kids in english

The Boy and The Cashew Nuts

This is one of the best short stories for kids in english.  There was a boy who liked cashew nuts very much. So, his mother always gave him a few nuts to eat. But he was never satisfied and always asked for more and more. His mother

short moral stories in english

The False Friend

This is one of the best short moral stories in english for kids. Once upon a time, a deer and a crow were great friends. One day, the crow saw the deer with a jackal. Jackals are known to be cunning animals. So, the crow warned