Baby finger song was most probably devised to teach the little children about their body parts. “One Little Finger” goes through various parts along with catchy lines. The origins of the poem are uncertain. This is an action poem, where the children are acting out the actions as given by the lines of the poem.

Also, this could be counted as an educational poem, as the poem teaches children about their various body parts, thereby helping them to know what each part is called. The variants of the poem can be simple and created while singing along. New body parts can be added to the poem. And more fingers can be used, so instead of “One Little Finger”, the poem can also have “Two Little Fingers”, “Three Little Fingers”, and so on. You may also like to read, I’m A Little Teapot Kids Song.

The One Little Finger Poem

baby finger song

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Tap tap tap.

Point your finger up.

Point your finger down.

Put it on your head. Head!

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.

Tap tap tap.

Point your finger up.

Point your finger down.

Put it on your nose. Nose!

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.

Tap tap tap.

Point your finger up.

Point your finger down.

Put it on your chin. Chin!

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.

Tap tap tap.

Point your finger up.

Point your finger down.

Put it on your arm. Arm!

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.

Tap tap tap

Point your finger up.

Point your finger down.

Put it on your leg. Leg!

One little finger, one little finger, one little finger.

Tap tap tap.

Point your finger up.

Point your finger down.

Put it on your foot. Foot!

Put it on your leg. Leg!

Put it on your arm. Arm!

Put it on your chin. Chin!

Put it on your nose. Nose!

Put it on your head. Head!

Now let’s wave goodbye. Goodbye!


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The children are asked to point their index finger up towards the sky, then when they are asked to “Tap” their fingers, the hold out their other hand and tap their fingers onto their palms, then they are asked to point their fingers up and down respectively. Repeating this, the children go through various body parts, whenever they finish tapping their fingers. As the rhyme progresses the children touch their heads first, then their nose, then their chin, their arm and lastly their leg. In the end, they go through all the parts at once.

A little something for the parents:

Poems should be an integral part of your child’s growing process as they make their lives more colorful and vibrant by adding a variety of rich experience. So, every child should be encouraged to read more and more poems.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the Comments Below Or let us know if you want us to write poems of your choice. Your feedback is important to us. Thanks in advance.