Tag Archives: folktales for kids

indian folk tales with morals

The Magic Crown

This is one of the awesome Indian folk tales with morals for children. Bruce was a very kind man. He always helped his fellow villagers. As a result, the villagers loved and respected him. That year, there was no rain and all the fields in the

akbar birbal short stories

The Lion’s Cage

This is one of the funny Akbar Birbal short stories for children. The Emperor of Persia used to send riddles to Akbar. Akbar in return also used to send puzzles to the Persian Emperor. Both were good friends. Also, read The Water In The Well.

akbar birbal stories

The Mango Tree

This is one of the famous Akbar Birbal Stories for kids. There lived two farmers named Abu and Rehman in the Kingdom of Emperor Akbar. They both were neighbors. There was a mango tree between their fields. The tree was full of ripe mangoes. Rehman

akbar birbal stories in english

The Water In The Well

This is one of the great Akbar Birbal stories in English. There once lived a farmer in Emperor Akbar’s Kingdom. He was old and quite poor but he worked hard on his land everyday.  The farmer had a neighbor who was very cunning and cheated

folktales for kids

The Wizard And The Mouse

This is one of the great folktales for kids. Once upon a time, in a village in India near a forest lived a well-known wizard. One day, when the wizard was eating his lunch, a mouse fell down from the sky. Shocked, the wizard looked

indian folk tales

The Jackal’s Spell

This is one of the best indian folk tales for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a scholar Brahmin. One day, he was reciting a spell which once cast would make anyone subdue to the caster. Now, a jackal hiding nearby learnt

tenali raman stories

Tenali Raman And The Proud Priest

This is one of the best Tenali Raman stories. Subba Shastri was a learner priest at King Krishna Deva Raya’s palace. However, he was very proud and thought that he was better than everybody else. He was jealous of the clever Tenali Raman and always tried