The Raven And The Swan
This is one of the great fable tales for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a raven on a huge tree. There was a small pond right after the tree. In this pond lived a swan. The raven was as black as coal. On
This is one of the great fable tales for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a raven on a huge tree. There was a small pond right after the tree. In this pond lived a swan. The raven was as black as coal. On
This is one of the great kids fables for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman. Now this fisherman had a talent with music. He was extremely skilled with his flute. This man was extremely well-known. So, one day he decides
This is one of the amazing Aesop’s tales for children. Once upon a time, in a farm lived a dog and a cockerel. They were the best ofriends. Also, read The Dog In Manger. One day, the two decide to venture out of their farm.
This is one of the awesome short fables for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a father with two daughters in a village. The elder daughter’s name was Elena and the younger daughter’s name was Selena. He loved his daughter very much and gave