Category Archives: Stories By Topic

tower of babel story

The Tower Of Babel Story

This is The Tower Of Babel Story for kids. There was a time when the Earth was filled with evil. So, the God decided to destroy everyone and everything except one good man, Noah and his family. After the flood, Noah and his family settled

kids fables

The Fisherman And His Flute

This is one of the great kids fables for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a fisherman. Now this fisherman had a talent with music. He was extremely skilled with his flute. This man was extremely well-known. So, one day he decides

jataka tales stories

Greed Does Not Pay

This is one of the great jataka tales stories for kids. A long time ago, in a far away village, there lived a Brahmin. He had a wife and three beautiful little daughters whom he loved very much. The Brahmin worked hard and took good

jataka tales stories in english

The Hungry Tigress And The Bodhisattava

This is one of the amazing Jataka tales stories in English for kids. Once upon a time, the Bodhisattva took birth in a noble family. In this birth too, he had an immense love for knowledge and animals. As the Bodhisattva grew older, he grew

jataka tales short stories

The Cunning Crow

This is one of the best jataka tales short stories for kids to read. There was a time, long ago, when the people in the Kingdom were so kind hearted that they built homes for birds in their houses and allowed them to stay there

english fairy tales stories

Granny Casts A Spell

This is one of the best English fairy tales stories for kids. Susie was very fond of her Granny. Each day, when Susie got home from school, Granny was always there sitting by the fire knitting. Granny knitted so fast that sometimes it seemed as

small fairy tales

The Naughty Broom

This is one of the most amazing small fairy tales for kids. “Goodness me, what a lot of dirt and dust there is all over the kitchen floor,” said the maid. She was a very house-proud maid and didn’t like dirt and dust on her floor

inspirational short stories online

Small Things Matters

This is one of the best inspirational short stories online for kids. It was a very beautiful Sunday morning on the beach. The sun was coming out nicely and the air was so fresh. But along with the morning tides, there were hundreds of starfishes

panchatantra english stories

The Clever Donkey

This is one of the amazing panchatantra english stories for little children. Once upon a time, on a hill lived a donkey. This donkey lived by himself. One day, the donkey went out to eat something. That day, the donkey thought it would be a

aesop's tales

The Dog, The Cockerel And The Fox

This is one of the amazing Aesop’s tales for children. Once upon a time, in a farm lived a dog and a cockerel. They were the best ofriends. Also, read The Dog In Manger. One day, the two decide to venture out of their farm.

funny kids bedtime stories

The Foolish Disciples

This is one of the funny kids bedtime stories for kids to read. There once was a sage who had many students who lived with him. One day, the sage took them all for an outing in a bullock cart. The sage being old was

a jataka tale

The White Elephant- A Jataka Tale

This is a jataka tale for kids to read. Once upon a time, a huge herd of elephants lived at the foot of the Himalayan mountains in India. These elephants lived happily and peacefully. Their leader was a huge white elephant. His inner beauty and

panchatantra moral stories

The Lion And The Camel

This is one of the best Panchatantra moral stories for children. Once upon a time in a jungle lived a lion. Now, this lion was the king of the jungle. He had three assistants, the crow, the jackal and the leopard. The lion and his

best panchatantra stories

The Wolf In The Sheepskin

This is one of the Best Panchatantra stories for kids. Once, there was a wolf. He was hungry for many days. He had made several attempts to trap the smaller animals in the forest but all of them somehow managed to escape. The hungry wolf

story of jataka tales

The Jackal Who Saved The Lion

This is one of the good story of Jataka tales. A very long time ago, there lived a mighty lion in the jungle. One day, he went to the river to drink water. But his leg got stuck in the big, slushy mud of the

inspirational moral stories

The Baker And The Farmer

This is one the best inspirational moral stories for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a farmer and a baker. The farmer sold a pound of butter to the baker everyday and the baker sold a pound of bread loaf to the farmer. Soon,

stories for children

Hard Work Leads To Success

This is one of the best inspirational stories for children. The Sports Day was fast approaching in the school. All the children were very excited and were practicing for the big race. Jim, one of the fast runners of the school was confident that he

inspirational stories for children

Shake Off All Your Problems

This is one of the most amazing inspirational stories for children. Once upon a time, there used to live a man. This man had many donkeys to help him with his business. Among them, there was an old donkey. Now, this old donkey had been

adventure stories for kids

Little Toy Train Story

This is one of the best adventure stories for kids. Little Toy Train was a goods train. He had a shiny engine, three wagons, a cool van, and a bright red guard’s van. Whenever he sped around his track in one corner of the playroom,

fables short stories with moral lesson

The Tyrant Wolf

This is one of the amazing Fables Short Stories With Moral Lesson for children. Once upon a time, there lived a little lamb. One day, the poor little lamb lost its way and was separated from his herd. After searching in vain for his herd,