Story Of Moses

This is the Story of Moses from Bible. A long long time ago, there was a small city called Goshen. There was a time when the rulers of the Egypt wanted to kill all the babies who were born in Goshen. A woman who lived there gave birth to a fine baby boy. The mother tried to save her son. Read full moses story.

For almost three months, the mother was able to save her son from the Pharaoh but she couldn’t hide him anymore. She could not bear the thought of having her baby killed in front of her eyes. So, she knew she had to save him somehow. Also read, Cain and Abel.

story of moses

Story of Moses Image Source –>

She thought of a plan and started to weave a basket. The basket was woven in such a way that no water could leak into it and hence would always float and never sink. She thought of a plan and started to weave a basket. The basket was woven in such a way that no water could leak into it and hence would always float and never sink.

After she was done weaving, she put her precious son in it and floated the basket among the reeds by the river. The river in which the boy was floated, was the same river where the Pharaoh’s daughter used to take a bath. That day too she was taking a bath with few of her friends when she discovered this beautifully woven basket floating by. You may also like, David and Goliath Story.

When she looked inside the basket, to her amazement she saw a beautiful baby boy. She felt very sorry for the crying baby and said, “I am going to keep him and call him Moses.” Thus, Moses was saved from getting killed by the Pharaohs.

Moses grew up in the Pharaoh’s palace and as he grew up, he learned all the wisdom of Egypt. In spite of growing up in the palace, he loved the people of Israel and he would go on to free them from slavery.

Here is a visual depiction of, “Story Of Moses”. See the video story below,

    Story Of Moses Video