Tag Archives: fairy tales online

fairy tale short story

The Flying Carpet

This is the amazing fairy tale short story for kids. In a simple cottage at the foot of a snowy mountain, there was a mother working as a weaver. Every week, the mother would bring the carpets decorated with figures of different kinds of birds,

fairy tales online

The Singing Turtle

This is one of the fairy tales online for kids which has been adapted from a tale in Japan. Once upon a time, there lived two brothers. These two brothers lived with their mother a little further away from the city nearby. Now, one of

short fairytale stories online

The Fairy Princess

This is one of the short fairytale stories online for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a King and a Queen. The family of the King was blessed  with the power of fairies. Soon, the couple was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. On

fairy tales for kids

Top 10 Fairy Tales For Kids

Storytelling is a practice which has been in spread all over the globe. In earlier times, grannies and grandpas recited Bedtime Stories and Fairy Tales for kids which they really enjoyed. Storytelling has always been an art by which one can easily communicate with their