Yearly Archives: 2017

original grimm tales

The Peasant And The Devil

This is one of the best original Grimm tales for kids. There was a peasant who was working very hard in his field. When it got dark, he was ready to go home. At that moment, he saw a pile of burning coals in the middle

short fable story for kids

The Bull And The Calf

This is an awesome short fable story for kids. A few years ago, there was a strong and hefty body bull. It was quite a task for him to get himself through the door of the cowshed where he and his fellow cows lived together.

short story for children with moral lesson

The King And His Ghost

This is the amazing short story for children with moral lesson. Long, long time ago, in the Kingdom of India, there lived a King who had a greedy advisor. The King did not know that the advisor wanted to have all of the King’s treasure

animal stories for kids in english

Snowball And His Forest Friends

This is one of the amazing animal stories for kids in english. One day, the forest God created an animal. It was called Snowball. Snowball was round, his fur was very white. He was a beautiful animal. All the animals liked him. However, Snowball was

halloween stories for preschoolers

Halloween Henry

This is one of the amazing Halloween stories for preschoolers. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful family of Warrens, Jim and Alice and their two children, Penny and Rick. They had just moved into their new house. Penny and Rick loved their new

dreamtime stories for kids

How The Kangaroos Got Their Tails

This is one of the best Dreamtime stories for kids. In the early days, in the Dreamtime, there were two Kangaroos who lived in this country. One came from the hills, the other from the plains. The plains Kangaroo was a big Kangaroo with long

moral stories with pictures

Rabbit And Wolf

This is one of the best moral stories with pictures for children. Little Rabbit was a very good child and he used to live with her mother. He was old enough to start schooling. So, Mother Rabbit decided to sign her up for a school

free short stories for kids

Sturnus The Liar

This is one of the best free short stories for kids. Once, in a forest, all kinds of animals lived in peace and love. However, none of them wanted to hang around with Sturnus. She was postured and always told lie. Moreover, she never realized

The Two Voracious Bears

This is one of the best short stories for kindergarten for kids. Once upon a time, there was an old mother bear and two cubs living together in a wood. One day, the cubs asked their mother, “Mommy, we have grown up now. Please let

philippine legend stories

The Legend of the Chrysanthemum

This is one of the great Philippine legend stories for kids. Once upon a time, there was a little girl living with her mom in a small thatched hut in a deserted hamlet. Her father had passed away when she was still young. So her

fable online

Flame, Rain, And The Arrogant Tiger

This is a great fable online for kids. There was a ferocious tiger living in a forest. Everyone in the region was afraid of him. So, the tiger became even more arrogant and reckless. One day, when the tiger was hunting, suddendly, he saw an

fairy tales short stories

The Candy Fairy

This is one of the amazing fairy tales short stories for kids. In a faraway Kingdom, there was a candy fairy who was very kind and loving towards children. In her house, there were always all sorts of candies with different colors. She normally used

classic fairytale stories

The Angel’s New Coat

This is one of the best classic fairytale stories of all times for kids. In the heaven, the angels also went to school just like the kids on the Earth. The new semester was about to start and to encourage the little angels, the Knowledge

australian aboriginal stories

The Lion’s Tale

This is one of the great Australian aboriginal stories for kids. Once upon a time, there was a newly throned King. He immediately wanted to learn magic to protect his Kingdom. He went searching for a famous sorcerer to learn magic. The Queen was very

a very short story about friendship

A Special Friendship

This is a very short story about friendship for kids. In a village, there was a boy named Bob who lived with his mother in a small house. Every day after class, Bob went into the forest to pick up woods with his mother. One

short stories with moral values for students

The Dropped Wallet

This is one of the best short stories with moral values for students. Two brothers, Bi and Bo were passing by a toy shop. Bi was elder to Bo. Bo said, “I want that white stuffed sheep so much.” To this, Bi said, “I like

very short fairy tale stories

The Legend Of The Rose

This is one of the very short fairy tale stories for kids. Once upon a time, all the roses were plain white. They told each other, “If only we had different colors like other flowers. That’s true! If only we had the brilliant red of

moral stories for kids

Top 10 Stories With A Moral For Kids

Moral stories for kids play an important role as it teaches life lessons in the most interesting way. Such stories help in teaching your child a valuable lesson about how to be a good and considerate person, too. Moral stories can teach the value of compassion,