Category Archives: Animal Stories

animal moral stories in english

The Cobra And The Ants

This is one of the best animal moral stories in English for kids. Once upon a time, a huge King Cobra lived in a dense forest. He ate all kinds of creatures like lizards, frogs, bird eggs and other small animals and insects. All night

lion and jackal story

Lion And Jackal Story

This is Lion And Jackal Story for kids. Once upon a time, a hungry jackal found his way to a mountain. Hungry as he was, he searched and searched for food in the night. “ I am so hungry,” he thought. “ How I wish

short stories about animals in the jungle

The Fox And The Monkey

This is one of the best short stories about animals in the jungle for kids. Once upon a time, all the animals were gathered in the jungle. They had one problem. They did not have any King in the jungle. Soon, the animals in the

animal short story in english

Curious Squeaky

This is one of the great animal short story in English for kids. “Come, get into your bed Squeaky,” said Mrs. Squirrel. “But I’m not sleepy yet,” said Squeaky. “Get into your bed and soon you’ll be fast asleep.” Squeaky wanted to go out and

animal stories for toddlers

The Fox And The Partridge

This is one of the awesome animal stories for toddlers. “I’m hungry,” said a greedy little fox, licking his lips. “I hope I can get something really big today.” Saying this, he trotted off to the woods to find himself a nice, big supper. Soon,

cute animal stories

The Heros Of The Jungle

This is one of the cute animal stories for children. This is a story of a large and dense forest called Greenyland. There flowed a river from the middle of the jungle called the Tiber. Once, during the rainy season, a flood struck the jungle.

funny animal stories for kids

The Intelligent Jackal

This is one of the funny animal stories for kids to read. A long time ago in a far away forest, there lived a wolf and a jackal. One day, they met and got talking. The wolf looked at the jackal and asked, “How much

short animal stories for kids

The Wicked Raven

This is one of the best short animal stories for kids to read. Once upon a time, there lived a pigeon and a raven who were friends. They lived on the huge banyan tree on the outskirts of the village in the Southern India. It

animals tales

The Lion And The Mosquitoes

This is one of the animals tales for kids to read. Once upon a time in a forest, there lived a lion. Now, this lion was the king of the forest. Because of that, the lion had grown too proud of his strength. He would

two cats and a monkey

Two Cats And A Monkey

This is the story of two cats and a monkey for kids to read online. Once upon a time, there lived two cats. These two cats were good friends. One day, they were wandering around. Suddenly, on a street, the two of them find a

kids animal story

The Lazy Squirrel

This is an amazing kids animal story to read. In a large oak tree, there lived a squirrel. His name was Dale. He was very lazy and never wanted to work. He always wanted to sleep, then eat, again sleeps and then eat again. Whenever

animal stories for children

The Frogs And The Crane

This is one of the best animal stories for children. Once upon a time, in a forest was a lovely pond. This pond was situated in the heart of the forest. Around the tree, grew tall grass and many flowering plants. In the pond, lived

english story for kids

Foolish Magpie

This is an amazing English story for kids to read. There was a big handsome magpie. He was always ashamed of living with other magpies. “How can a handsome magpie like me live with such ugly guys?” he wondered. So, one day, the handsome magpie

animal story

The Clever Deer

This is one of the most amazing Animal Story for kids to read. Once upon a time, there was a river that flowed through a deep forest. On one bank of the river, there lived a handsome and clever deer. In the river, there lived a

story about animals with moral lesson

The Zebra And The Giraffe

This is one of the most amazing story about animals with moral lesson for kids. Once upon a time, there was a zebra and a giraffe who were best of friends. Both of them had unique qualities. The giraffe was showing off to the zebra because

happy animal stories

The Foolish Bear

This is one of the awesome happy animal stories for children. Once upon a time, in a forest lived a bear. This bear was a greedy one! Wherever he went, he wanted the biggest thing. One day, when the bear woke up in the afternoon, his

bedtime animal stories

The Crow, Cuckoo And The Owl

This is one of the best bedtime animal stories for kids. Once upon a time, when the animals could talk, the owl used to be a normal bird. The owl hunted through the day and slept through the night. Then, one day, as the owl

short animal stories with moral values

The Blind Vulture

This is one of the great short animal stories with moral values for kids. A long time ago, a blind vulture lived in the hollow of the tree on the banks of the river. A number of other birds had also made their nests in the

animals story in english

The Hawk And The Hen

This is animals story in english which has been inspired by the Philippine Folktale. Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. Every day when the hawk would fly above in the sky, he would see the hen walk around on the

the woodcutter and the tiger

The Woodcutter And The Tiger

This is The Woodcutter And The Tiger story for kids. This story is inspired by the Korean folklore.  Once upon a time, a woodcutter encountered a tiger in the woods. The woodcutter was too good at building new stories. As he feared that he would soon