Category Archives: Age 0-3

fable online

Flame, Rain, And The Arrogant Tiger

This is a great fable online for kids. There was a ferocious tiger living in a forest. Everyone in the region was afraid of him. So, the tiger became even more arrogant and reckless. One day, when the tiger was hunting, suddendly, he saw an

fairy tales short stories

The Candy Fairy

This is one of the amazing fairy tales short stories for kids. In a faraway Kingdom, there was a candy fairy who was very kind and loving towards children. In her house, there were always all sorts of candies with different colors. She normally used

short stories with moral values for students

The Dropped Wallet

This is one of the best short stories with moral values for students. Two brothers, Bi and Bo were passing by a toy shop. Bi was elder to Bo. Bo said, “I want that white stuffed sheep so much.” To this, Bi said, “I like

best bedtime stories

Bright Stanley

This is one of the best bedtime stories for kids to read. Far below the waves, a little fish named Stanley lived with his school. They were the brightest, sparkliest fish of the deep, dark sea. Also, read The Tale Of Three Fishes. One morning,

Cock A Doodle Moo

This is one of the best bedtime stories for infants. Every sunrise at Freedom Farm, Daddy Rooster climbed on top of the highest fence post and called out, “Cock-A-Doodle- DOO!” The other animals began to wake but Little Rooster covered his ears and closed his

short fairytale stories online

The Fairy Princess

This is one of the short fairytale stories online for kids. Once upon a time, there lived a King and a Queen. The family of the King was blessed  with the power of fairies. Soon, the couple was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. On

very short bedtime stories

The Little Star And His Mother

This is one of the very short bedtime stories for kids. Long, long time ago, there lived a little star with his mother in the night’s sky. They were a happy family. But the little star was always sad and stood shining in one corner

best short fairy tales

Rosette And Annette

This is one of the best short fairy tales for kids. Once upon a time, there lived many beautiful fairies in the Fairyland which was situated in the heaven. Among all, there were two prettiest fairies named Rosette and Annette. After finishing their schooling in

fable stories with moral lesson

The Hares And The Frogs

This is one of the great fable stories with moral lesson for kids. Once upon a time, in a forest, all the hares called for a meeting. As you know, hares by nature are scared of even the tiniest sounds. But this time, in this

true friends story

True Friends Story

This is True Friends Story for kids. Deep in the forest, there were three friends, a deer, a tortoise and a woodpecker. They were always seen together. They spent most of their time chatting or playing by the lake side. One day, a hunter came

adventure stories for kids

Little Toy Train Story

This is one of the best adventure stories for kids. Little Toy Train was a goods train. He had a shiny engine, three wagons, a cool van, and a bright red guard’s van. Whenever he sped around his track in one corner of the playroom,

kids animal story

The Lazy Squirrel

This is an amazing kids animal story to read. In a large oak tree, there lived a squirrel. His name was Dale. He was very lazy and never wanted to work. He always wanted to sleep, then eat, again sleeps and then eat again. Whenever

story of helping others

Always Help Others

This is an inspirational story of helping others. Peter and Handy were twin brothers. Though the looked the same their hearts and minds were completely opposite. Peter lived to enjoy his life. He never cared for people around him. All he concerned about was his

short fairy tale

Tania And Manna

This is an awesome Short Fairy Tale for kids. Far above in the heaven, there was a Fairyland. There lived many fairies. Some were beautiful, some were ugly; some were good and some were bad. Amongst them, there was a fairy named Tania. She was an

humor story in english

The Foolish Boy

This is an amazing humor story in english for kids to read online. Once, there lived a poor boy named Danny. He was an orphan. He used to work as a servant in the house of Mr. Roy. Danny was an honest and hard-working boy

story about animals with moral lesson

The Zebra And The Giraffe

This is one of the most amazing story about animals with moral lesson for kids. Once upon a time, there was a zebra and a giraffe who were best of friends. Both of them had unique qualities. The giraffe was showing off to the zebra because

happy bedtime stories

Renee, The Friendly Cloud

This is one of the happy bedtime stories for kids. Once upon a time, there was a friendly cloud. Her name was Renee. She liked to sing and float in the sky and change into different shapes. One day, while she was floating, she saw

aesop's fables stories

The Lion In Love

This is one of the Aesop’s fables stories about a lion who used to live in a jungle near a village. One day, he sees a very beautiful maiden. Immediately, he falls in love with her. He goes straight to the girl who is standing with her

bedtime stories for girls

Luna The Moon

This is one of the great bedtime stories for girls. Long, long ago, there was a little girl named Luna. Luna lived in an attic far from the village. She liked sitting on the rooftop and watching the beautiful night sky. One day, Luna wanted

pot story

The Two Pots

This is an amazing Pot Story for kids.A lady goes to buy pots with her family. From there, she brings two pots. The two pots live together in a nice house. One of them was strong and was made of brass. The other was weak and